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Berlin, 06.10.2023
After the German government approved the new KfW subsidy "WEF" in June 2023, various changes will come into force on October 16, 2023.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction (BMWSB), Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) is improving the conditions for the "Home Ownership for Families" (WEF) subsidy as of October 16, 2023. The changes are part of the German government's package of measures to support housing construction in Germany.
The taxable annual income has been raised from the previous maximum of 60,000 euros to 90,000 euros (for one minor child). For each additional minor child in the household, the income limit increases by a further 10,000 euros. In addition, the maximum loan amounts, which depend on the number of children, will be raised by up to 35,000 euros.
As a result of the recently adopted changes, the financial subsidy advantage will in future be between 170,000 and 270,000 euros, depending on the subsidy level and the number of children.
The subsidy is divided into two subsidy levels:
To qualify for the higher of the two funding levels and receive a low-interest loan of up to €270,000, the new building must meet the requirements of the Sustainable Building Quality Seal (QNG) Plus or Premium - confirmed by a sustainability certificate.
In the first funding stage, up to 220,000 euros can be applied for. No QNG is required for this. The greenhouse gas emissions requirements of the QNG Plus must nevertheless be met. This means that the new building may only emit a correspondingly low amount of CO2 during its life cycle.
Stuttgart, 28.06.2022
The state of Baden-Württemberg is extending the solar obligation to existing buildings. From January 1, 2023, existing residential and non-residential buildings must be equipped with a PV system when they undergo a fundamental roof renovation.
Anyone renovating their roof from 2023 onwards must cover 60 percent of the solar-ready roof area with photovoltaic modules. A solar thermal system can also be installed to comply with the law.
Berlin, 07.04.2022
As of April 20, 2022, funding applications for the new construction of Efficiency Houses / Efficiency Buildings 40 (EH/EG40) can again be submitted to KfW. And there is a clear signal for the quality seal for sustainable building.
After the forced pause since January 24, 2022, there is a new start in new construction funding for residential and non-residential buildings under the federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG). As of April 20, 2022, new applications can again be submitted to KfW for the program "Efficient House / Efficient Building 40 (EH/EG40) - New Construction Funding with Modified Funding Conditions".
The funding is limited in this form until December 31, 2022. However, only a budget of EUR 1 billion is available for new-build funding until then, which will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Berlin, 22.02.2022
The federal government has again made funding available for BEG for 2022.
The application must be submitted before signing a supply and service contract or a purchase agreement. However, planning and consulting services can be taken advantage of even before the application is submitted.
Anyone who has concluded supply and service contracts and, for example, commissioned tradesmen, can submit the funding application from 22.02.2022 if one of these two requirements is met:
Only possible for loan: the applicant has held a consultation meeting with their financing partner prior to concluding the supply and service contracts, which has been documented with a KfW form.
Possible for loan and grant: The supply and service agreements contain a condition precedent/resolving condition relating to the granting of a subsidy in the BEG.
Anyone who has concluded a purchase agreement for an initial purchase after refurbishment can submit the subsidy application from 22.02.2022 if the purchase agreement contains a condition precedent/resolving condition that relates to the granting of a subsidy in the BEG.
Berlin, 18.02.2022
Funding for energy-efficient construction and renovation is slowly getting back on track."There is a perspective," said Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection Robert Habeck. The refurbishment funding will start up again next week, he said, referring to the KfW funding for energy-efficient refurbishment. The subsidies for new buildings are to start again in March. However, it will only apply to efficiency house level 40, with a reduced subsidy rate and capped at one billion euros until the end of the year.
Berlin, 15.11.2021
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
Infrastructure (BMVI) will in future provide funding for
the installation of charging infrastructure at employee
car parks, for electric vehicles in company or municipal
fleets and for company vehicles.
Funding will be provided for the purchase and
construction of a new stationary charging station that is
not accessible to the public, including the grid
connection. The charging infrastructure must be located
at parking spaces on properties intended for commercial
and municipal use or for parking employees'
The grant amounts to 70 percent of the eligible
expenditure, up to a maximum of 900 euros per charging
point. Charging points with a charging capacity of up to
22 kilowatts are eligible for funding.
Berlin, 21.09.2021
The Federal Government today adopted the
measures for the buildings sector presented by the
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy and the
Federal Minister of the Interior, for Building and the
Home Affairs. These measures will improve climate
protection in the buildings sector and reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. In particular, these measures are intended
to help close the 2020 target gap in the buildings
The cabinet's decision includes securing a new commitment
volume for funding applications in 2021 totalling 11.5
billion euros. Of this, 5.8 billion euros were already
made available by the budget committee on 24 June 2021 to
ensure a continuous programme. A further 5.7 billion
euros are to be made available in 2021 as part of this
measure. Applications for funding can be made within the
framework of the successful federal funding for
energy-efficient buildings (BEG).
Berlin, 10.09.2021
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
is once again expanding the federal funding for
"Corona-compatible stationary ventilation and
air-conditioning systems", which has been in effect for
about a year, and is making a total of over one billion
euros available for this purpose. In order to protect our
children as well as possible, the new installation of
permanently installed supply and exhaust air valves in
facilities for children under 12 years of age will also
be funded as of today.
Berlin, 10.06.2021
Non-residential buildings: Up to 50 percent funding for energy-efficient renovations.
The second stage of the federal subsidy for efficient buildings comes into force on 1 July. Now a subsidy option is also available for office, commercial and administrative buildings.
Energy efficiency measures in the renovation and new construction of non-residential buildings will in future be financially supported by the federal government with up to 50 percent subsidies. This is made possible by the second stage of the Federal Promotion for Efficient Buildings (BEG), which comes into force on 1 July 2021. It increases the funding rates for overall renovations and will also be available as a pure investment grant in the future.
Berlin, 12.05.2021
The German government has announced an immediate
programme to support the implementation of the new
climate protection targets for the various sectors. This
is to be done with additional funding of up to 8 billion
euros - but also with additional requirements. For
example, the energy standards for new buildings are to be
strengthened. In future, the costs of the CO2 price are
no longer to be borne by tenants alone, but half by
landlords. This is intended to improve the effect of the
CO2 price, since landlords decide on energy-related
renovations and the type of heating.
Berlin, 07.05.2021
On 7 May, the funding programme "Federal Funding for
Serial Refurbishment" is launched.
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology is thus
providing new impetus for the energy turnaround in the
building sector.
It enables buildings to be refurbished quickly with the
help of prefabricated elements. This is attractive for
the real estate industry, for owners and also for
Berlin, 01.04.2021
Federal government expands funding program for room air conditioning systems to contain the Corona virus
More people eligible to apply, smaller rooms and higher proportionate funding and connection of ancillary rooms - these are key innovations in the funding program for the Corona-compatible conversion and upgrade of stationary ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
With a total of 500 million euros and up to 200,000 euros per system, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and BAFA are promoting the upgrading and retrofitting of stationary air handling systems. In order to quickly contain the Corona pandemic, existing air handling systems in buildings where many people are present must be upgraded and retrofitted. The amended directive is thus an important step towards reaching the light at the end of the tunnel more quickly and further combating the pandemic.
Berlin, 30.03.2021
In a new funding program of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), small municipal utilities and local authorities, as well as companies in the retail and hotel and hospitality sectors, can submit applications for funding for the development of charging infrastructure from April 12 to December 31, 2021.
Berlin, 19.01.2021
From May 2021, new rules will apply to energy certificates for existing residential buildings. And energy certificates issued in 2011 must be renewed this year. In future, the level of greenhouse gas emissions will be included in the energy certificate.
Eschborn, 14.01.2021
The environmental bonus can now be combined with the "Economic Electric Mobility" (WELMO) funding programme and the "Climate Protection Offensive for SMEs" funding programme of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
Berlin, 09.12.2020
From January 2021, the CO2 price will increase the cost of heating with natural gas and oil.
There is currently an 80 percent subsidy from the state for an energy consultation. Depending on the region, additional subsidies are possible.
Berlin, 12.10.2020
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure BMVI and the KfW are launching a funding program on November 24, 2020 to establish new charging stations for electric cars in the non-publicly accessible areas of residential buildings.
Investors will receive a grant of 900 euros per charging point for the acquisition and construction of new charging stations, including connection to the power grid.
Berlin, 31.03.2020
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) wants to make it easier for SMEs (KMU) to make use of subsidised energy consultancy services in times of the Covid19 pandemic. In deviation from the funding guidelines, the possibility of paying the subsidy directly to the consulting company is therefore being offered until further notice. The advantage for the consulting company: It no longer has to pay the full fee in advance, but only has to pay its own share from the outset.
Bonn, 23.03.2020
On 23.03.2020, the Federal Network Agency published its guidelines for further action in the corona crisis. The Federal Network Agency has taken note of the fears in the industry regarding the implementation deadlines. In order to protect market participants from forfeiting their bids and possible penalties, the BNetzA has decided to take short-term, unbureaucratic measures.
Eschborn, 01.02.2020
On 1 February 2020, the revised "Directive on the promotion of energy consulting for residential buildings (on-site consulting, individual renovation roadmap)" came into force.
Specifically, the subsidy has been increased from the previous 60 % to 80 % of the eligible consulting fee, with a maximum of 1300 euros for single and two-family houses (previously 800 euros) and 1700 euros for residential buildings with more than three residential units (previously 1100 euros). Energy advice can also be subsidised by municipalities or federal states, but the recipient of advice must pay a minimum of 10 % of the costs himself.
Berlin, 07.01.2020
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) have announced the new Market Incentive Programme (MAP).
The replacement premium for oil-fired heating systems can be applied for via a streamlined procedure administered by BAFA. Anyone who replaces his oil-fired heating system with a heating system that is operated entirely with renewable energy sources - e.g. a heat pump or a biomass plant for this MAP definition - can receive a subsidy of 45 % of the investment costs. For gas hybrid heating with a renewable share of at least 25 % - e.g. by integrating solar thermal energy - there is an investment subsidy of 40 %.
Frankfurt am Main, 06.01.2020
Interest rate increases in some KfW promotional products as of January 7, 202.
Berlin, 11.02.2019
Since 1 January 2019, the label is mandatory for all
heaters, which were installed before
The energy label for existing heating systems is valid
nationwide and will be phased in by
New heaters are marked with an EU energy label.
Berlin, 20.11.2018
The BMWi restructures the previous funding offers in the field of energy efficiency. The new funding program "Energy Efficiency and Process Heat from Renewable Energies in Business - Credit" (295) supports corresponding measures through low-interest loans from KfW (up to 100% of the eligible investment costs) in connection with repayment subsidies from the BMWi. Alternatively, an investment grant can be requested from BAFA. The KfW Energy Efficiency Program Waste Heat - funded by the BMWi (294) and the corresponding investment subsidy (494) closed on 31 December 2018.
Potsdam, 11.09.2018
The state of Brandenburg is supporting the development of publicly accessible charging stations for electric cars with an investment subsidy. A total of two million euros are in the funding pot. Applications will be accepted by the Landes Investment Bank in Potsdam until 29 October.
Brussels, 19.06.2018
On 19 June 2018, the
"Directive (EU) 2018/844 of the European Parliament and
of the Council amending Directive 2010/31 / EU on the
energy performance of buildings and Directive 2012/27 /
EU on energy efficiency" - the amending Directive for the
EU Buildings Directive (also known as EPBD), which has
been in force since 2010.
Berlin, 16.05.2018
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) promotes the purchase of fuel cell vehicles and their associated fueling infrastructure. A total of up to 15 million euros are available for project funding in this call.
Erfurt, 19.04.2018
With the funding program "E Mobil Invest", which is now presented by the Thuringian Ministry of the Environment, electromobility in municipal companies is to be supported by around one million euros by the year 2020. The funding directive will come into effect at the end of the month.
Strasbourg, 17.04.2018
On 17 April 2018, the European Parliament finally approved the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (also known as the EU Buildings Directive, EPBD). According to the European Commission, the agreed changes allow the enormous potential for energy savings in the building sector - the most energy-intensive area in Europe - to be exploited. Among other things, the new regulations aim to retrofit existing buildings more quickly with energy-efficient systems and to improve the energy efficiency of new buildings by installing "intelligent" Systems.
state of Baden-Württemberg has started a funding program
for solar power storage.
A total of two million euros are in the funding
From this, all operators of photovoltaic systems receive
an investment subsidy if they integrate a power storage
system into their System.
Frankfurt am Main,
promotional bank of KfW Bankengruppe will change the
interest rate and repayment from 17 April 2018.
Affected are the programs "Energy-efficient construction
and renovation" 151/152 and 153. For example, after the
reporting date for particularly energy-efficient new
buildings only loan repayment variants are offered, which
include a 10-year fixed interest rate (program 153
"energy-efficient construction").
The hitherto possible 20-year fixed interest rate is
Frankfurt am Main,
Individuals and companies can
continue to use a low-interest loan with high repayment
subsidies from KfW Bankengruppe for solar energy
storage. However, conditions have
deteriorated somewhat since January 1: the repayment
subsidy has fallen from 13 to
Berlin, 04.01.2018
Since January 1, 2018, industrially produced wood-burning
stoves, fireplaces, tiled stoves with heating inserts and
pellet stoves must be labeled with the energy label. This
affects all individual room heaters with a nominal heat
output below 50 kW, which convert gaseous, liquid or
solid fuels into heat.
Brüssel, 20.11.2017
According to information provided by Federal
Minister of Economics Brigitte Zypries, the European
Commission approved the subsidization of tenant
electricity on 20 November 2017 and can now start.
The funding provided by the Tenant Electricity Act,
which came into force on 25 July 2017, was subject to the
approval of the EU Commission.
A prerequisite for this so-called tenant
electricity surcharge is that the electricity generated
in a solar system on the roof of a residential building
and delivered to final consumers (especially tenants) in
this residential building or in direct spatial connection
with this building. Electricity not consumed
by the tenants can be fed into the public network or
cached. The tenant electricity surcharge is
granted as a discount on the feed-in
Frankfurt am Main, 17.11.2017
A grant of 13% until 31.12.2017.
The KfW Program 275 Renewable Energies supports the
use of stationary battery storage systems in conjunction
with a photovoltaic system that is connected to the
electrical grid through low-interest loans from KfW from
1.10% APR and repayment subsidies from the Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
In addition, you can use the product to retrofit a
stationary battery storage if you have commissioned your
photovoltaic system after
Dusseldorf, 27.10.2017
The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia
has opened a funding pot for the expansion of charging
stations for electric cars. The funds come
from the program Progres NRW. The owner of
an electric car gets up to half of the investment costs
refunded if he builds a private charging
The construction of publicly accessible charging
points, which are usually built by municipalities and
municipalities, but also by car park operators and other
service providers, also supports Düsseldorf with half of
the investment costs. However, the subsidy
for privately used charging points is capped at 1,000
euros. If the charging point is publicly
available, the cover is 5,000
On 1
August 2017, the new EU energy regulation came into
force. This allows the EU label to be
gradually converted to an easily understood and clear
scale from A to G.
The new energy efficiency classes replace the
confusing A +++ classes. By autumn 2018 the
regulations for washing machines, refrigerators,
dishwashers, TVs and monitors as well as lighting would
be the first to be revised. After a
changeover period for the manufacturers of one year, the
new energy targets will be visible in shops from the end
of 2019 / early 2020.
For example, manufacturers and distributors need to
point more closely to the energy efficiency class of the
products, and to specify the available
Munich, 24.07.2017
The Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs announces
the addition of its own subsidy program from September
1, The declared goal: 7,000 pillars are to
be available in Bavaria by 2020.
Eschborn, June 29,
On 1 July, the BAFA will include the individual
sanitation timetable in its support program for on-site
consulting for residential buildings. It is
subsidized with 60% of consultancy costs, up to 600 €
for single and double family houses and up to 1,100 €
for multi-family houses.
Berlin, 28.04.2017
The Federal Cabinet has today approved the bill to promote tenant electricity from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). The rental power surcharge in the photovoltaic sector is expected to be between 2.75 and 3.8 eurocent per kilowatt hour (kWh).
Tenant electricity from photovoltaic systems is therefore likely to be supported this year, according to the BMWi. Tenant electricity is electricity which is produced in a combined heat and power plant or in a photovoltaic system on the roof of a residential building and is delivered to final consumers, in particular to tenants in this residential building. The amount of the tenant electricity surcharge depends on the size of the solar system and the total photovoltaic installation and is expected to be between 3.8 and 2.75 cents / kWh. The electricity not used by the tenants is fed into the network of the general supply and remunerated. According to an expert opinion commissioned by the BMWi, the potential for tenant electricity is up to 3.8 million apartments. At the same time, the draft law is intended to ensure that the tenant can continue to choose his electricity provider freely. This includes provisions on the contract periods, a ban on the leasing contract and a price ceiling for tenant electricity.
Munich, April 7, 2017
For a planned modernization of the heating system, the program section Heating Stove Plus can be considered. If you change your old heater, which is operating for at least 25 but under 30 years, you can apply for the heating system bonus. Depending on the new heating system, Bavaria will provide € 500 to € 2,000, a total of 5,000 heating modernizers want to support the free-range this year.
Berlin, March 30, 2017
From 1 April the EU energy efficiency label will also apply to wood heating systems. According to the German Pellet Institute (DEPI), pellet boilers are rated A +, pellet boilers and chimney ovens with A ++. Pellet fires are expected to have a better energy efficiency class in the future than oil and gas boilers, but at the same time a slightly poorer energy mix than heat pumps.
Berlin, February 10, 2017
From June 1, 2017 onwards, trade will be subject to a fine of up to € 100,000 in the event of a breach of its redemption obligations for electrical and electronic equipment. The Federal Council has today approved a corresponding amendment to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act. This creates the foundations for a more effective enforcement by the countries.
The statutory fine enables the competent state authorities to deal more effectively with traders in the future, which make it more difficult for consumers and consumers to withdraw their disposable electrical appliances - both in the in-home and in the online trade. Depending on the gravity of the infringement, a fine of up to € 100,000 may be imposed.
The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act, which entered into force on 24 October 2015, obliges dealers to
Shipping and storage space for electrical and electronic equipment of at least 400 m² electrical and electronic equipment under certain conditions from the end customer. If the customer acquires a new device, he can return a similar old device free of charge.
Small electrical and electronic devices (no edge length greater than
25 cm) can be returned without buying a corresponding device.
Berlin, February 08, 2017
From EnEV becomes GEG
The new building energy law (GEG) is to introduce the lowest-energy building standard for non-residential buildings in the public sector and to merge EnEG, EEWärmeG and EnEV.
GEG innovations in the overview
The lowest-energy building standard for non-residential buildings in the public sector is to be defined with the GEG in such a way that it approximates the standard of a KfW efficiency house55. Exceptions are possible.
The recently suspended regulatory gap of the EnEV is to be concluded, by which no energetic requirements could be placed on the insulation of the outer wall of an existing wall.
When using geothermal energy and heat exchangers using heat pumps, the requirements for the annual working hours for electricity-operated air / water and air-to-air heat pumps have been increased.
The possibility of charging electricity from renewable energies in the energy balance of the building will be expanded.
DIN V 18599 must also be applied in the future (after a transitional period) for the energetic balancing of residential buildings. Furthermore, some changes in calculation methods are provided.
A provisional energy certification is introduced in the construction phase.
The requirements for the submission of an energy certificate for sale or rental as well as mandatory information in real estate advertisements are also extended to real estate brokers.
In order to improve the quality of energy certificates, the draft specifies stricter diligence obligations for exhibitors of energy certificates. A breach of these due diligence duties is now also subject to a fine.
There is no longer a distinction between residential and non-residential buildings in the exhibition authorization for energy certificates. The exhibiting authority for non-residential buildings is therefore also extended to craftsmen and state-approved technicians with corresponding advanced training.
In order to improve enforcement, the authorities competent under national law shall be given a general and enforceable right of organization which extends not only to the owner or to the owner but also to involved third parties (eg planners or craftsmen).
Berlin / Dubai, January 16, 2017
State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany, and Minister for Energy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have signed a joint declaration of intent on cooperation in the energy sector between Germany and the United Arab Emirates.
Berlin, 12.01.2017
The investment in a photovoltaic system pays even more for homeowners this year. Three reasons are making solar electricity more attractive: plant costs have declined by around ten percent in 2016. As a result of the increased electricity price at the turn of the year, the solar power consumption is also gaining more profit. The feed-in tariff also remained stable in January and is likely to rise in February.