Customer service
0800 222 000 4 *
* free
E-Mail: info@BEM.com.de

Customer service
0800 222 000 4 *
* free
E-Mail: info@BEM.com.de
Air to water heat pumps are eligible for 900 to 1,200 euro, depending on the kW. For water-water and brine-water heat pump, the buyer receives a promotion even up to 2400 euros. Additionally, you can still receive a state subsidy, when a solar panel system is installed in parallel yet.
further conditions
In order to receive this sum, also calls for the Federal Office nor that at least the following annual figures are shown: 3.8 with water and brine / water heat pumps in residential buildings, 4.0 in water and brine / water heat pumps in non-residential buildings; 3.5 at air / water heat pumps and 1.3 for gas-powered heat pumps.