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E-Mail: info@BEM.com.de
The main reason for German homeowners to opt for energy-efficient refurbishment of your property , continues to be right to reduce the cost of the energy dar. Up to 80 percent of the energy needed for heating and hot water can be obtained by proper measures during a reorganization saves : these include the thermal insulation of roof , walls and basement ceiling , installation of heat-insulating windows or switching to energy efficient heating systems . In this way you make your property regardless of rising energy costs . Finally, the energy prices for households increased depending on the energy in the last ten years by up to 100 percent. By saving large amounts of energy can make of this development largely independent.
A connection of upcoming modernization works with energy-efficient steps of remediation represents represents a useful combination
Lower high water consumption
Average water consumption
Even at the end of the eighties , the average per capita water consumption was 140 liters per day . To date, this value could nevertheless already be reduced to 127 liters. When water is consumed following :
• showering and bathing 39 liters
• toilet 34 liters
• Toiletries Other 7 liters
• washing ( laundry) 15 liters
• Small business / commercial 11 liter
• cleaning the apartment and car wash 7 liters
• 7 liters Dishwasher
• Garden 4 liters
• Food and drink 3 liters
Saving devices to reduce water consumption and a more incipient environmental awareness can rethink many people. Nevertheless, a rice field could be irrigated by the size of one hectare for a full year with the spent only one day of water a city with about 100,000 inhabitants.
Reduce water consumption in the home
To the above calculation example shows that there is very probably saving potential. The budget is often handled very clueless with water, it could often once easily reduce water consumption .
By far most of the water runs through the drain in the bathroom . If you imagine a shower , you use 50 percent less water than a full bath. Modern fuel-efficient shower heads also save a lot . Also a sensible use of household appliances can reduce water consumption . Neither washing nor the machine should be switched ever half full . Two half washloads consume itself with the Overdrive more water than a full laundry. Who thinks to be able to reduce water consumption by washing by hand is way wrong. Modern dishwashers are fully loaded, genuine saving miracle .
A running faucet while brushing your teeth the whole it need not be . Also applies in the shower , turn off the water in between . Too bad it is when a closed faucet is still dripping . These and leaky cisterns in toilets should be repaired quickly . Reduce water consumption is not art.
Properly heat and ventilate is not art
Properly heat and ventilate is a contribution towards climate protection outside as well as inside a healthy room climate.
Once you sit properly with heat and ventilate the issue apart, you will realize very quickly that you can make a huge benefit with only little effort. Efficient heating is a good contribution to climate protection, anyone can easily afford. At the same time proper heating and ventilation is noticeable both in a pleasant room atmosphere as well as a savings in your wallet.
Clear that it when it's cold and windy in the apartment would have liked toasty warm. Efficient heat must not demand that you can only gemümmelt in a blanket stay in your own four walls. If you stick to a few basic rules and handles, can feel very comfortable and at the same time reassure its green conscience.
Auf eine angemessene Raumtemperatur achten
Welche Temperatur ist angenehm, damit man nicht friert aber auch noch nicht schwitzt? Damit man besser einschätzen kann, wie warm es wirklich in den Räumen ist, lohnt es sich, einmal mit dem Thermometer nachzumessen. Bereits ein paar Grad weniger helfen auf lange Sicht gesehen einiges an Heizkosten zu sparen. So kann man den ständig steigenden Energiekosten entgegenwirken. Es gibt Empfehlungen, wonach in Wohnbereichen, Ess- und Arbeitszimmern die ideale Temperatur 20 Grad betragen sollte. Im Bad darf es mit 22 Grad ruhig etwas wärmer sein, das Schlafzimmer dagegen muss längst nicht so aufgeheizt werden und 16 bis 18 Grad sind absolut ausreichend. Nachts und während längerem Wegbleiben kann die Temperatur leicht etwas abgesenkt werden.
Damit die Wärme auch dort bleibt, wo sie sich aufhalten
soll, sollten während der Heizperiode die Türen
bestenfalls immer geschlossen bleiben. Besonders die
Badezimmertüre sollte tunlichst nicht offen
Abschotten und Lüften
Die beste Heizung bringt nichts, wenn die erzeugte Wärme zu schnell wieder nach außen entweicht. Undichte Fenster können zu sehr hohen Energieverlusten führen. Mittels einer brennenden Kerze kann man ganz leicht ermitteln, wo die meiste Zugluft herrscht und genau dort abdichten, wo es nötig ist. Auch das nächtliche Schließen der Rollläden und Vorhänge bringt eine gewisse Abschottung. Richtig heizen und lüften heißt aber auch, für geregelte Frischluftzufuhr zu sorgen. Nicht andauerndes Kippen, sondern mehrmals kurzes Stoßlüften bringt den richtigen Ausgleich. Auch Schimmelbildung kann so vermieden werden. Man merkt sehr schnell, dass richtiges Heizen und Lüften wahrlich keine hohe Kunst bedeutet.